
PAZ !!

📍las nevadasv

16 & filipino
check bio 4 pronouns
i have gay gender

tnt duo enjoyer <3
bench trio, dream, foolish, gnf, philza, purpled, rocket duo, sapnap, tapl, wallibear (...)

bolded = regular watcher

dont follow: v like techno, schlatt, fundy, etc. irl shipper/dnf truther. ur weird about cc's sexuality and gender. -13 or 22+ but current moots are fine :D

byf: vim not in mcyttwt. i watch dream but not a stan or anything if u care. i need the /j and /s tags

interests: vpodcasts, movies, cartoons, music + musical theatre, 80s shit, english literature

table of contents:

> about me

> interests

> do not follow
> before you follow

> links

wip carrd

about me

hey there! ;) im paz and im a sixteen y/o filipino! i go by a few more names and also change pronouns a lot, so do check my pronouny out for reference :-D very much boyflux Thanks
more stuff:
i love personality tests lol, ive been enfp and 4w5 for so long. im also a poseidon + dionysus kid and chaotic good x__x i love making new friends!! i try to interact with mutuals on the tl as much as possible :]

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minecraft, podcasts, d&d, riordanverse, theatre, music, bandori, cryptozoology, cartoons, eng literature
ccs i like:
my favs are feral boys, ranboo, and techno !!!! i also like sleepy bois, purpled, tubbo, bbh, foolish, wallibear, tapl, hannah + more

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do not follow if...

> general dni criteria. just dont be a dickwad (you're racist, homo/transphobic, ableist, etc.)
> you make uninformed neg mcyt posts / strongly dislike mcyt... like... why are u even here
> you're -14 or 19+ (unless we're already mutuals)
> you support cringe culture! ew
> you make untagged nsfw jokes about ccs :[
> you like schlatt ... please ........
> you fetishize wlw/mlm relationships
> u ignore boundaries and condone problematic behavior !!!

before you follow...

> i obv dont support ccs bad actions and im always critical of the stuff they do and say :0 wont always tweet about it publicly though !!
> id love to interact! if we're mutuals please feel free to req my priv, im always active there ^__^
> i tag common triggers, but hmu if u need anything in specific! (i cant tag caps though)
> if i say something dumb please just talk to me nicely about it, theres a 99% i genuinely dont know wtf im saying
> i curse a lot ...uhm... haha yes

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